Auto-Owners Insurance “Phone”
Auto-Owners Insurance “Parallel Parking”
Chevy Silverado “A Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Rock ‘n’ Roll”
Rocket Mortgage “Barry Sanders”
Rocket Mortgage “Rickie Fowler”
Rocket Mortgage “Mascots”
Rocket Mortgage “Translator”
Chevy Cares “World Series”
Chevy Trailblazer Activ
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan “Coordinated Care”
Rocket Mortgage “Covered”
Rocket Mortgage “Georgia Bulldogs”
Rocket Mortgage “Mascots: Mortgage Confidently”
Priority Health “My Priority”
JABS GYM “Let’s Work”
Ford E-Transit
The Nobel Prize – Physiology or Medicine 2019
Family Fare “Surprisingly Low”
Rocket Mortgage “EASY”